(set: $branch to (datamap:"name", "Tree Branch", "description", "A Chunky looking Tree Branch.. Might be useful for twatting Spanky Monkeys!", "interactiontext", "You pickup the Tree Branch.. it's surprisingly solid!", "possess", false))
(set: $rock to (datamap:"name", "Rock", "description", "A solid Rock about the size of a Fist!.. Might be useful for throwing at Spankey Monkeys!", "interactiontext", "You pickup the Rock.. it's got a bit of weight to it!", "possess", false))
(set: $previouspassage to "")
<div id="options">
(if: $rock's possess is true) [(link: "Rock") [(set:$selectedItem to $rock) (goto:"Item Description")]]
(if: $branch's possess is true) [(link: "Tree Branch") [(set:$selectedItem to $branch) (goto:"Item Description")]]
<div id="status"></div>
<div id="main">
This is just a test ... but wait... is that a [[Weird Tree|Tree]] over there!
<br></div><div id="options">
(if: $rock's possess is true) [(link: "Rock") [(set:$selectedItem to $rock) (goto:"Item Description")]]
(if: $branch's possess is true) [(link: "Tree Branch") [(set:$selectedItem to $branch) (goto:"Item Description")]]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
There are a bunch of Spankey Monkeys in the Tree!... they're spanking away like no one's business!
<img src="images/weirdtree.jpg" alt="Weird Tree">
(if:$rock's possess is false) [There's a (Link: "Rock") [ (set:$selectedItem to $rock) (set:$previouspassage to "Tree") (goto:"Item Description")] lying at the foot of the Tree]
(if:$branch's possess is false) [There's a (Link: "Tree Branch") [ (set:$selectedItem to $branch) (set:$previouspassage to "Tree")
(goto:"Item Description")] leaning against the Tree]
(if:$rock's possess is false) [(Link: "Pickup Rock") [ (set:$selectedItem to $rock) (set:$rock's possess to true) (set:$previouspassage to "Tree") (goto:"Item Interaction")]]
(if:$branch's possess is false) [(Link: "Grab Branch") [ (set:$selectedItem to $branch) (set:$branch's possess to true) (set:$previouspassage to "Tree") (goto:"Item Interaction")]]
(if:$rock's possess is true) [[Throw Rock at Spankey Monkeys|Fight]]
<br></div><div id="options">
(if: $rock's possess is true) [(link: "Rock") [(set:$selectedItem to $rock) (goto:"Item Description")]]
(if: $branch's possess is true) [(link: "Tree Branch") [(set:$selectedItem to $branch) (goto:"Item Description")]]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
(print: $selectedItem's interactiontext)
(link: "Done") [(goto:$previouspassage)]
<br></div><div id="options">
(if: $rock's possess is true) [(link: "Rock") [(set:$selectedItem to $rock) (goto:"Item Description")]]
(if: $branch's possess is true) [(link: "Tree Branch") [(set:$selectedItem to $branch) (goto:"Item Description")]]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
(print: $selectedItem's description)
(link: "Done") [(goto:$previouspassage)]
<br></div><div id="options">
(link: "Inventory") [(goto:"Inventory")]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
The Spankey Monkeys are really pissed off with your antics and they all descend from the Tree and surround you!..
(if:$branch's possess is true) [[Twat these Spankey Monkey Bitches!|Victory]]
(if:$branch's possess is false) [[Surrender to the Spankey Monkeys!|Defeat]]
<br></div><div id="options">
(link: "Inventory") [(goto:"Inventory")]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
Lucky you grabbed that Branch! ... you twat every signle Spankey Monkey to death and claim the Tree as your own!..
(link-goto: "Restart", "Intro")
(link: "If you want more wierdo games")[(goto-url:"https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=browse&by=engine")]
<br></div><div id="options">
(link: "Inventory") [(goto:"Inventory")]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">
Without anything to Fight them with you surrender to the Spankey Monkeys! ... they strip you naked and tie you to the base of the Tree!... they won't need to Spank themselves anymore now that they have your Ass on tap!..
(link-goto: "Restart", "Intro")
(link: "If you want more wierdo games")[(goto-url:"https://tfgames.site/index.php?module=browse&by=engine")]
<br></div><div id="options">
(if: $rock's possess is true) [(link: "Rock") [(set:$selectedItem to $rock) (goto:"Item Description")]]
(if: $branch's possess is true) [(link: "Tree Branch") [(set:$selectedItem to $branch) (goto:"Item Description")]]
<div id="status">
<div id="main">